The NAPLEX exam has 250 questions. Some of these questions require a single answer, whilst other questions require you to select more than one correct answer. Some questions focus on the fundamental science of medicines, whereas other case study, or “scenario”, questions require you to understand, interpret and evaluate patient / clinical data.

To succeed at the NAPLEX test, candidates must possess exceptional knowledge of drug therapy and practice, dispensing and formulation science, and promoting public health and safe counselling procedure. As always, there are legal dimensions that candidates are expected to have a comprehensive knowledge of.

Take the MPJE

The MPJE is a 2.5-hour exam composed of 120 computer-based questions. The exam uses adaptive technology to deliver selected-response questions. The exam results will be reported as pass or fail, and candidates are allowed five attempts per jurisdiction to pass the exam. The following resources may assist you when preparing for the MPJE: Review the MPJE Competency Statements to gain an understanding of the topic areas covered in the exam. Download the sample items to understand the formatting of exam questions. Take the Pre-MPJE®, the official practice exam.